A critical discipline overseeing processes for efficiency, from supply chain management to quality control and the integration of queueing systems. Operations Management leverages tools like Six Sigma and Lean methodologies for continuous improvement and innovation.


Cai Yutong

PhD, National University of Singapore

Lingjie Duan

Associate Professor and Associate Head of Pillar (Research)
PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Karthyek Murthy

Assistant Professor
PhD, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Rakesh Nagi

Rakesh Nagi

Professor, Head of Pillar ESD and Director of Aviation Studies Institute (ASI), SUTD
PhD, University of Maryland

Karthik Natarajan

PhD, National University of Singapore

Nuno Antunes Ribeiro

Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of Aviation Studies Institute (ASI), SUTD
PhD, University of Coimbra

Ying Xu

Senior Lecturer
PhD, Carnegie Mellon University


2022 M&SOM Best Paper Award2022, Ying Xu, The Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (MSOM)

IISE David F. Baker Distinguished Research Award2022, Rakesh Nagi, Institute of Industrial Systems & Engineers

The First Place Winner of the Best Service Science Student Paper Competition in 2021 INFORMS Conference on Service Science2021, Ying Xu, The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Society (INFORMS)

INFORMS Koopman Award from Military Application Society2021, Rakesh Nagi, INFORMS

INFORMS Koopman Award from Military Application Society2018, Rakesh Nagi, INFORMS

Pyke Johnson Award (For Best Paper in the Area of Environment and Planning)2015, Fang Zhao, US Transportation Research Board (TRB)

POMS Doctoral Consortium2014, Ying Xu, The Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)

IIE Transactions on Design and Manufacturing, Best Paper Award2012, Rakesh Nagi, IIE Transactions on Design and Manufacturing

IIE Transactions on Design and Manufacturing, Best Paper Award2011, Rakesh Nagi, IIE Transactions on Design and Manufacturing

IIE Fellow Award, the Institute of Industrial Engineers2010, Rakesh Nagi, Institute of Industrial Systems & Engineers

University at Buffalo’s Sustained Achievement Award2009, Rakesh Nagi, University at Buffalo

Promising Inventor Award, SUNY/RF2004, Rakesh Nagi, The State University of New York

Buffalo Business First’s 40 under 40 award2004, Rakesh Nagi, Buffalo Business First

SME’s Milton C. Shaw Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award1999, Rakesh Nagi, Society of Manufacturing Engineers

IIE’s Outstanding Young Industrial Engineer Award in Academia1999, Rakesh Nagi, Institute of Industrial Systems & Engineers


Hybrid AI/ML-Optimization Approaches to Cloud Native Workflow Scheduling,” IBM-Illinois Discovery Accelerator InstituteJan 2023, Rakesh Nagi, IBM-Illinois Discovery Accelerator Institute

Mitigating the Harm of Fentanyl through Holistic Demand/Supply-Chain Interventions and Equitable Resource Allocations,” National Science Foundation (USA)Jan 2023, Rakesh Nagi, National Science Foundation

Translational ResearchApr 2022, Peter Jackson, CAAS, 2 years, $0.98M

Rapid Evaluation Tools within the Intelligent Optimization Platform (IOP)Oct 2021, Peter Jackson, NRF (Aviation Transformation Programme), 2 years (extended 6 months), $0.48M


GPU-accelerated transportation simplex algorithm2024, Rakesh Nagi, Journal of Parallel and Distributed ComputingM Mahajan, R NagiVolume 184, Pages 104790 [Publication Link]

Optimal Placement of Multiple Finite-size Rectangular Facilities in an Existing Layout2024, Rakesh Nagi, International Journal of Production ResearchR NagiVolume 62, Issue 1-2, Pages 7-23 [Publication Link]

Optimal and Heuristic Solutions for Placing Multiple Finite-size Rectangular Facilities in an Existing Layout2024, Rakesh Nagi, International Journal of Production ResearchK Date, R NagiVolume 62, Issue 1-2, Pages 24-44 [Publication Link]

Limited-Trust in Diffusion of Competing Alternatives Over Social Networks2023, Rakesh Nagi, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and EngineeringV Leon, SR Etesami, R NagiVolume 11, No. 1, Pages 1320-1336 [Publication Link]

A Review of Research in the Li-ion Battery Production and Reverse Supply Chains2023, Rakesh Nagi, Journal of Energy StorageN Sharmili, R Nagi, P WangVolume 68, Pages 107622 [Publication Link]

Voxelized Cut-and-Fill Models for Deadlock-Free Site Excavation Under Accessibility Constraints2023, Rakesh Nagi, 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)R Fouani, R Sengupta, R Nagi, RS SreenivasPages 1-6 [Publication Link]

BEEP: Balanced Efficient subgraph Enumeration in Parallel2023, Rakesh Nagi, Proceedings of the 52nd International Conference on Parallel ProcessingS Kawtikwar, M Almasri, WM Hwu, R Nagi, J XiongPages 142-152 [Publication Link]

A Nonparametric Approach with Marginals for Modeling Consumer Choice2023, Karthyek Murthy, Economics & Computation (EC)Y. Ruan, X. Li, K. Murthy, K. Natarajanpp. 1078 [Publication Link]

A Federated Platform Enabling a Systematic Collaboration among Devices, Data and Functions for Smart Mobility2023, Fang Zhao, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation SystemsL. You,, M. Danaf, J. Guan, F. Zhao, C. Azevedo, B. Atasoy, M. Ben-Akiva vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 4060-4074 [Publication Link]

Efficient and Effective Large-scale Vaccine Distribution2023, Peter Jackson, International Journal of Production EconomicsM. Klein, N. Hupert, J.A. Muckstadt, P. Jackson, and R. GougeletVolume 262, August 2023, pp. 1-11  [Publication Link]

Diffusion of Innovation under Limited-Trust Equilibrium2022, Rakesh Nagi, 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)V Leon, SR Etesami, R Nagi Pages 3145-3150 [Publication Link]

Uncovering Illicit Supply Networks and their Interfaces to Licit Counterparts through Graph Theoretic Algorithms2022, Rakesh Nagi, IISE Transactions, 2024R Anzoom, R Nagi, C VogiatzisVolume 56, Issue 3, Pages 224-240 [Publication Link]

Cloud-native Workflow Scheduling using a Hybrid Priority Rule and Dynamic Task Parallelism2022, Rakesh Nagi, Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Cloud ComputingJ Shin, D Arroyo, A Tantawi, C Wang, A Youssef, R NagiPages 72-77 [Publication Link]

Equitable Allocation of Operations and Makespan Minimization for Autonomous Agents2022, Rakesh Nagi, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 703-717IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineeringhttps://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=9795146 

Risk-averse Equilibria for Vehicle Navigation in Stochastic Congestion Games2022, Rakesh Nagi, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation SystemsA Yekkehkhany, R NagiPages 18719-18735 [Publication Link]

PARSEC: PARallel Subgraph Enumeration in CUDA2022, Rakesh Nagi, 2022 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS)V Dodeja, M Almasri, R Nagi, J Xiong, W HwuPages 168-178 [Publication Link]

Admission Control In the Presence of Arrival Forecasts with Blocking-based Policy Optimization2022, Karthyek Murthy, Winter Simulation ConferenceK. Murthy, D. Padmanabhan, S. Bhatpp. 2270 - 2281 [Publication Link]

Online and In-person Activity Logging using a Smartphone-based Travel, Activity, and Time-use Survey2022, Fang Zhao, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary PerspectivesA. Alho, C. Cheng, D. T. Hieu, T. Sakai, F. Zhao, M. Ben-Akiva, L. CheahVolume 13 [Publication Link]

Teaching Humanitarian Logistics with the Disaster Response Game2022, Peter Jackson, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative EducationM. Klein, P. Jackson, and M. Mazereeuw20, No. 3, July 2022, pp. 158-169 

Integration of Long- and Short-Term Contracts in a Market for Capacity2022, Peter Jackson, Production and Operations ManagementA. Sapra and P. Jackson31, No. 7, July 2022, pp. 2872-2890 

A Review of Research in Illicit Supply-chain Networks and New Directions to Thwart them2021, Rakesh Nagi, IISE TransactionsR Anzoom, R Nagi, C VogiatzisVolume 54, Issue 2, Pages 134-158 [Publication Link]

A Cost–based Analysis for Risk-averse Explore-then-commit Finite-time Bandits2021, Rakesh Nagi, IISE TransactionsA Yekkehkhany, E Arian, R Nagi, I Shomorony Volume 53, Issue 10, Pages 1094-1108 [Publication Link]

Hykernel: A Hybrid Selection of One/two-phase Kernels for Triangle Counting on GPUs2021, Rakesh Nagi, 2021 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC)M Almasri, N Vasudeva, R Nagi, J Xiong, WM HwuPages 1-7 [Publication Link]

Trip Chaining and Community Burden in Service Facility Location Decisions.2021, Rakesh Nagi, Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)E Moog, R Nagi, R JeffersIssue SAND2021-11181C [Publication Link]

A Framework to Assess Risk of Illicit Trades Using Bayesian Belief Networks2021, Rakesh Nagi, IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management SystemsR Anzoom, R Nagi, C VogiatzisPages 504-513 [Publication Link]

Decentralized Makespan Minimization for Uniformly Related Agents2021, Rakesh Nagi, 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)R Sengupta, R NagiPages 2140-2145 [Publication Link]

Stochastic Superiority Equilibrium in Game Theory2021, Rakesh Nagi, Decision AnalysisA Yekkehkhany, T Murray, R NagiVolume 18, Issue 2, Pages 153-168 [Publication Link]

K-clique Counting on GPUs2021, Rakesh Nagi, arXiv e-printsM Almasri, I El Hajj, R Nagi, J Xiong, W Hwu2104.13209 

Limited-trust Equilibria2021, Rakesh Nagi, European Journal of Operational ResearchT Murray, J Garg, R NagiVolume 289, Issue 1, Pages 364-380 [Publication Link]

Integrating Empirical Analysis into Analytical Framework: An Integrated Model Structure for On-Demand Transportation2021, Ying Xu, The Proceedings of the 2021 INFORMS International Conference on Service Science Yuliu Su, Ying Xu, Costas Courcoubetis, and Shih-Fen ChengICSS 2021: AI and Analytics for Smart Cities and Service Systems pp 300–315 [Publication Link]

Insights on Data Quality from a Large-scale Application of Smartphone-based Travel Survey Technology in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Arizona, USA2021, Fang Zhao, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and PracticeS. Hong, F. Zhao, V. Livshitsa, S. Gershenfeld, J. Santos, and M. Ben-Akivavol 154, pg. 413-429 [Publication Link]

Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of ICT Impacts on Activity-Travel Behavior: Preliminary Results from a Two-week Smartphone-based Survey in Jakarta, Indonesia2021, Fang Zhao, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation StudiesM. Safira, V. Varghese, M. Chikaraishi, S. Gershenfeld, F. ZhaoVolume 14 Pages 284-303 [Publication Link]